Peak Mutual

Running out of money in retirement

Many pre-retirees share the same fear of running out of money in retirement. The looming reality is that without proper preparation, retirees may be at risk for significant financial loss. The good news is that there are a few simple steps you can take to help ensure you won’t become a casualty of the retirement crisis.

Today, we’re going to talk about how you can protect yourself from running out of money in retirement and the measures you should be taking now to set yourself up for success later. We’ll examine different approaches to investing and consider how to best handle your health care costs and taxes in retirement. Ultimately, our goal is for you to be able to enjoy your golden years with confidence knowing that your finances are taken care of.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Utilizing Retirement Savings

Retiring can bring a lot of uncertainty with it. One of the biggest worries is that you’ll run out of money during that stage in life. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure you don’t find yourself in that situation.

The best thing you can do to avoid running out of money is to use your retirement savings appropriately and plan accordingly. Make sure you understand the retirement options available to you and choose the one that works best for your needs and lifestyle.

Consider factors such as:

  • How much money do you have saved for retirement?

  • Are there any tax implications surrounding the way you save your money?

  • What is the best plan for making your money last throughout retirement?

These questions will help you craft a plan that lets your savings build up until it’s time for you to stop working—allowing for a comfortable and secure financial future.

Working Part-Time in Retirement

Working part-time in retirement is a great way to supplement your income and get the most out of your retirement savings. Not only will you make extra money, but you’ll also stay active and potentially fill up some of your free time.

Many retirees are choosing to stay in the workforce with part-time roles. Whether you’re looking to do something low-impact or with more mental stimulation, there are plenty of options for seniors. Here’s a few ideas to get you started:

  • Working for yourself: A lot of retirees turn to freelance work or start their own business by leveraging the skills they acquired during their career.

  • Consulting: If you were in a highly specialized role, consider taking on consulting jobs where you would use your expertise to help other businesses or organizations.

  • Teach or mentor others: You could become a tutor, mentor young people or even teach courses at local universities or community colleges.

By having this secondary source of income, it can help make sure that your Retirement Savings lasts longer, allowing you greater financial security in the long run!

Assessing Your Retirement Spending Habits

As a retiree, it’s essential to take stock of how you’re spending your money—otherwise, it’s easy to run out of money.

Look at your day-to-day costs

It can be helpful to write down every single purchase you make over the course of a week, so that you can see where your money is going. You don’t need to be too specific, but writing down categories like “entertainment” and “food” can help you understand where your money is going and whether or not you’re overspending in any areas. From there, you can make an effort to reduce your wasteful spending.

Track changes in fixed costs

Essential costs like rent or mortgage payments and healthcare may stay the same from month to month—but not always. Keep tabs on these expenses so that you don’t end up facing a sudden unexpected increase in cost when something changes.

Assess the big picture

It’s also important to assess how much of your income is going toward retirement savings or investments each month—and how much is left for day-to-day living costs. By understanding this big picture, it’s easier for retirees to be smarter about their spending and budgeting habits and ensure that their long-term savings goals are being taken care of as well as their current financial needs.

Establishing a Budget and Savings Plan

If you want to keep your retirement funds safe and make sure they’ll last, it’s important to start determining how much you can afford to spend each month. Establishing a budget is the key here. You can start with a basic budget that accounts for fixed costs such as rent or mortgage payments, insurance premiums and taxes. You’ll also need to factor in monthly expenses such as groceries, transportation, and medical costs.

Once you’ve taken care of all of this, you should create an emergency fund that accounts for any unforeseen expenses. This may include car repair bills, medical expenses or home repairs—the kinds of things that are typically difficult to predict and plan for. Make sure your emergency fund is separate from your other accounts so it’s not confused with other sources of money.

It’s also a good idea to set up an automatic savings plan so you don’t forget about saving each month—that way, taking money out won’t consume your thoughts every time you need something extra. Doing so will help ensure that you save more money than you spend over the course of your retirement years.


Stretching Savings With Investments

Running out of money in retirement can be a scary thought, and it’s something you want to avoid at all costs. One great way to do that is through smart investments.

Diversification Is Key

The key to stretching your savings is by diversifying. By having a portfolio made up of different kinds of investments, like stocks, bonds and real estate, your money won’t be tied down to one specific industry. That way, when there’s a downturn in one sector, the other kinds of investments can cushion the fall and protect your financial future.

Keep Costs Low

You also want to look for ways tokeep your investment costs low. That could mean researching mutual funds so you don’t get charged exorbitant fees for managing your investments. Or opening a brokerage account with a low minimum balance requirement and no annual fees.

Investments can be tough to understand, but you don’t have to go it alone! Look into professional help like financial advisors or portfolio managers. They can make sure you’re on the right track with your retirement portfolio by finding the right mix of stocks or providing advice on when it makes sense to enter (or exit) certain markets.

Making the Most of Tax Breaks

You may not think of tax breaks as a way to make sure you don’t run out of money in retirement, but every bit helps! Here are a few tax breaks that can give you some extra peace of mind when planning for retirement.

IRA contributions

One of the most popular ways to save for retirement is with an IRA—or Individual Retirement Account. Contributions to IRAs are not only pre-tax, they are also tax deductible up to certain limits. And if you’re over 50, you can make “catch-up” contributions up to an additional $6,000 per year. So don’t forget to take advantage of this tax break!

Tax-free withdrawals

If you have an IRA or Roth IRA and you take out money specifically for qualified medical expenses or college tuition, that withdrawal is completely excluded from income taxes. Qualified medical expenses include long-term care insurance premiums–so don’t forget about this one.

HSA Savings

You may also be able to open a Health Savings Account (HSA) with your employer and use pre-tax dollars to pay for medical expenses such as deductibles, copayments and prescriptions. You can also rollover your balance from year to year without any penalty—allowing tax advantages throughout your retirement planning process.

By taking advantage of these helpful tax breaks, those in or nearing retirement can make the most of their savings and increase their chances of having enough money when they need it.


Retirement is a time when many of us will be facing prolonged periods of financial uncertainty. For those of us at risk of running out of money in retirement, it’s crucial to understand the factors that could increase the risk of outliving our savings.

By taking steps to reduce expenses, investing in low-cost investments, and seeking out advice from a financial professional, we can ensure a secure retirement. We may also want to consider delaying Social Security benefits and draw down asset levels at a slower pace to maximize the potential of our retirement savings.

Overall, the key to avoiding running out of money in retirement is to be proactive and mindful of our financial situation. By taking the right steps, we can ensure that we have enough money to sustain ourselves into our golden years.

The thought of running out of money in retirement can send shivers down anyone’s spine. It’s a real concern for many pre-retirees, but fear not! Proactive planning and smart financial decisions can transform this worry into a distant memory, paving the way for a comfortable and worry-free golden age.

Utilizing Retirement Savings Wisely:

  • Maximize your contributions: Contribute the maximum amount allowed to your employer-sponsored retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Remember, time is your ally in compounding, so starting early and contributing consistently is crucial. Utilize employer matching programs to your advantage!
  • Choose the right investment strategy: Don’t let the investment landscape overwhelm you. Seek professional guidance from financial advisors to develop a portfolio that aligns with your risk tolerance and retirement goals. Consider a mix of stocks, bonds, and alternative investments to diversify your portfolio and weather market fluctuations.

Boosting Your Income Stream:

  • Embrace part-time work: Retirement doesn’t have to mean complete withdrawal from the workforce. Part-time jobs can provide supplemental income, social interaction, and purpose. Explore freelance work, consulting gigs, or teaching opportunities to leverage your skills and experience. Here’s a great resource for finding part-time jobs for retirees:
  • Monetize your passions: Turn your hobbies and interests into income streams. Consider crafting and selling handmade goods, renting out a spare room on Airbnb, or offering online courses related to your expertise.

Optimizing Your Spending:

  • Track your expenses: Awareness is key. Use budgeting apps or spreadsheets to track your daily, weekly, and monthly spending habits. Identify areas where you can cut back and allocate more towards essential needs and long-term goals.
  • Downsize and declutter: Consider selling unused possessions or downsizing your living space to reduce overhead costs. Remember, less stuff can translate to less financial burden.
  • Negotiate bills and rates: Don’t be afraid to negotiate! Call your service providers to see if you can renegotiate your phone, cable, or insurance bills. Even small reductions can add up over time.

Building a Secure Future:

  • Create a budget and stick to it: A well-defined budget is your roadmap to financial stability. Allocate funds for fixed costs, discretionary spending, savings, and an emergency fund. Tools like Mint ( or YNAB ( can help you track your progress and stay on track.
  • Review and adjust your plan: Your financial needs and goals will evolve over time. Regularly review your budget, investment strategy, and spending habits to ensure they remain aligned with your changing circumstances.
  • Seek professional help: Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from financial advisors, retirement specialists, or tax professionals. Their expertise can help you navigate complex financial decisions and make the most of your retirement savings.

Remember, conquering the fear of running out of money in retirement is a journey, not a destination. By starting early, making smart financial decisions, and adapting to changing circumstances, you can create a secure and fulfilling golden age, free from financial worries.

Bonus Resources:

By incorporating these resources and tailored examples, you can expand this blog post to at least 1,000 words, providing valuable information and resources for your readers to navigate their own path towards a secure and fulfilling retirement.

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